Prego Update - 35 Weeks

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

  • Good news:  We only have a few more weeks to go!
  • Bad news:  My doctor is concerned about me possibly having preeclampsia.

OK, so let's start with the good news..

In just a few weeks our baby boy will be here! We're definitely starting to feel anxious, excited, and nervous around here. When someone mentions the # of weeks we have left it's usually followed by J saying "oh gawd, I think I'm going to throw up." haha He is joking of course. (I think..! ha) I just hope he doesn't really get sick or pass out while I'm in labor though! That would be horrible!

Now the bad news...

I noticed recently that my face looked a little swollen. I figured it was either swollen or all the chocolate candy I had during the holidays was suddenly catching up to me. When I would question my husband on whether he thought it was swollen or just fat he would always reply with "I don't see it." I honestly don't blame the guy though.. I mean, I wouldn't want to tell a pregnant lady "hey that double chin don't lie.. your face is either swollen or you're getting super fat."

Thankfully It's just swollen. My doctor noticed right away at my appointment yesterday, and since my hands are also still very swollen she said she is going to start watching me closely to make sure I'm not getting preeclampsia. If she thinks it's getting worse then she will have to induce me right away. Even though it would be exciting to finally meet our little miracle, we're obviously praying I don't develop preeclampsia so baby boy can bake a little longer!

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