NO Sweatpants, T'Shirts Allowed

Monday, March 22, 2010

I went shopping a few weeks ago with my mom and my aunt. I was having a great time.. until they decided to give me a mini intervention. No, I'm not on drugs or anything! This intervention was about my wardrobe. Let me explain..

Since my husband (J) has been deployed I feel that I have no one to impress, so I have been wearing a lot of t'shirts and sweatpants. Dressing up to me during this deployment has = me having makeup on and my hair fixed.. while wearing a t'shirt and/or sweatpants. If you're lucky I'm going to Wally World I might wear jeans but that's if I'm in a good mood. HA! 

So my mom and aunt thought it would be good idea to set up an intervention to make sure I don't continue to look like a slob when J returns home from deployment. They basically lectured me about looking good for my man, told me I was no longer allowed to wear sweatpants or t'shirts (unless I'm working out or cleaning), and then helped me find a bunch of outfits. At one point even the sales lady got involved and was lecturing me!! It was definitely an afternoon that I will always remember! haha 

& I'm happy to report that I've been doing good so far! Mostly because my mom went through my dresser and got rid of all my sweatpants and t'shirts... HA!

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