Independence Day

Friday, July 5, 2013

Our town did fireworks on the 3rd. We were able to watch the fireworks from our backyard which was awesome! Joel LOVED it. Jeremy and I loved that we didn't have to leave our house and deal with traffic. haha 

On the 4th we went to a carnival. I personally don't like carnivals (I don't like the rides, I think the food is gross and the prices are ridiculous), and Joel didn't seem too impressed either. He only rode on a few things and he barely cracked a smile during it.

Later that day we had family over for dinner, and when the sun went down we had fun with sparklers. 

I don't have any pictures from my childhood 4th of July's but I have the best memories. My dad would always take me to a firework stand to pick out whatever I wanted. We lived next door to my mom's sister so we would usually combine our fireworks with whatever my cousins had. We would have a big firework show in our backyard. I would run around with my cousins, laughing and having a blast. Those were good times. I hope we make lots of good memories like that with Joel so he will look back when he is older and smile. 

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