Adjusting To Shore Duty

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I couldn't wait for J's last deployment to be over so he could start shore duty. Three years of no deployments, and "normal" married life sounded like heaven to me! But I have to be honest.. it hasn't been all rainbows and sunshine like I imagined.

Half of our relationship has been spent apart due to deployments. In fact, next month is our three year wedding anniversary but we've only spent maybe a year of that actually together living under the same roof. As much as we hate to admit it we have grown accustomed to the sea duty/deployment routine. Normally by now he would be deployed, and now that he doesn't have to leave.. well.. we don't know how to act. We're not use to being around each other this long.

The thing that makes this super frustrating is that no one ever talks about how to adjust to the shore duty lifestyle. They give you tons of information/resources on how to deal with being separated during deployments and then how to deal with life after your spouse returns home from a war zone, but they never give you tips on how to adjust to shore duty! When I tried searching for things about it on the Internet I found nothing. So what's the deal?? Are we the only military couple that has ever struggled to adjust to this new routine???

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