I've seen this on a few other blogs so I thought I would join in on the fun!
{one} how many times have you been a bridesmaid/maid of honor?
Just once, recently for my friend A's wedding.
{photo taken by Captured Moments Photography}
{two} what’s the last thing your do before you fall asleep at night?
{three} you just won your dream vacation, all expenses paid.
where are you going?
Ireland and/or Italy
{four} what is your favorite outdoor activity?
Anything to do with the water. Boating, swimming, fishing.. I think you get the idea.
{five} as a child, what did you want to “be when you grew up”?
did you end up there?
I wanted to be a ballerina, astronaut, and a teacher. I'm currently a stay at home momma, which I love and wouldn't trade for the world, but I'm still hoping one day I can be one of those things. Especially an astronaut.. haha! How cool would that be!
{six} what are 3 things your dream home would have that you don’t currently have?
Is it sad that the first thought that came to my mind was central A/C? haha I really miss having that! Anyway -- my dream home would have a swimming pool, a bigggg backyard (complete with a garden), and wood floors.
{seven} what’s for dinner tonight?
Chicken bacon alfredo pizza. Sounds weird but it's really yummy!
{eight} if someone stopped by your house unannounced on a typical Saturday night, what would they find you doing?
Before I became a momma you would find me either watching movies or playing board games with my husband. Nowadays, if it's before 7 we are trying to watch a movie and keep Joel entertained. If it's after 8 we are in bed snoozing.
{nine} what’s your average monthly water bill?
I honestly have no idea because base housing deals with that.
{ten} what do you do to relax?
Relax? Um.. what's that? HA! I use to take a bubble bath or read a book, but I haven't been able to do that in four months. ;)