I've come to the conclusion that I am not a road trip type of person. We are currently on day 5 of our trip and I'm sooo over being in the car that I just want to cry. I don't see what's so appealing about it to some people.. Sitting for hours in a crammed car and only stopping every few hours to use the restroom (at yet another gross gas station) or to get something to eat (at yet another gross fast food joint) is not fun to me.
We should arrive in WA tomorrow and I can't wait.. I'm ready to set up house and start the countdown for the next 3 years to be over..
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The mover's packed all of our stuff yesterday afternoon. It was my first experience with a moving company.. and let me just say, it was every control freak's worst nightmare! I had such a hard time sitting back and not telling them how to pack the right my way. Ha!
They just arrived to load all of our stuff into the truck, and I'm trying not to cry or have a panic attack. I'm having a tough time dealing with this move--especially now that I'm prego. (It doesn't help that I'm starting to feel the beginnings of the dreaded morning sickness.. ugh!)
Anyway, just wanted to let y'all know I might not be able to update for a while!
They just arrived to load all of our stuff into the truck, and I'm trying not to cry or have a panic attack. I'm having a tough time dealing with this move--especially now that I'm prego. (It doesn't help that I'm starting to feel the beginnings of the dreaded morning sickness.. ugh!)
Anyway, just wanted to let y'all know I might not be able to update for a while!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Thank you for all the sweet comments!! Your words and prayers mean so much to me! I wish I could explain how I'm feeling right now, but I don't even know where to start! I guess I'm still in shock! I have definitely been praising God non-stop since I saw those two pink lines, though! :)
Yesterday after I took the test I had that "ok.. now what.." feeling. I figured the next step would be calling the doc to make an appointment.. well apparently I was wrong. I called the medical center's appointment line and I was told that I can't be seen by a doctor until I'm 30 days late. Is that normal, or is it just the crappy military medical center I go to??
Since I couldn't get in to medical for a pregnancy verification test I decided to go to a local women's resource center that I had heard about at church. (The women's resource center offers free pregnancy testing among other things.) When I first arrived at the center I was nervous.. I was worried that the home test I had taken earlier that morning was wrong. Well, I'm happy to say that it was positive!! :) Before I left the center a counselor prayed over me and I cried my eyes out! God obviously knew I needed peace & to be reminded to trust Him with this pregnancy because the counselor reminded me that God already knows the will for this baby and I just have to trust Him!
Oh, and I completely forgot!! The nurse at the women's resource center said I'm about 5 weeks, and my due date should be around February 12, 2011! My dad is super excited about my due date because it's close to his birthday, which is Feb 14! :)
Yesterday after I took the test I had that "ok.. now what.." feeling. I figured the next step would be calling the doc to make an appointment.. well apparently I was wrong. I called the medical center's appointment line and I was told that I can't be seen by a doctor until I'm 30 days late. Is that normal, or is it just the crappy military medical center I go to??
Since I couldn't get in to medical for a pregnancy verification test I decided to go to a local women's resource center that I had heard about at church. (The women's resource center offers free pregnancy testing among other things.) When I first arrived at the center I was nervous.. I was worried that the home test I had taken earlier that morning was wrong. Well, I'm happy to say that it was positive!! :) Before I left the center a counselor prayed over me and I cried my eyes out! God obviously knew I needed peace & to be reminded to trust Him with this pregnancy because the counselor reminded me that God already knows the will for this baby and I just have to trust Him!
Oh, and I completely forgot!! The nurse at the women's resource center said I'm about 5 weeks, and my due date should be around February 12, 2011! My dad is super excited about my due date because it's close to his birthday, which is Feb 14! :)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
"With man this is impossible, but not with God;
I'M PREGNANT!! :) I could hardly believe my eyes when I took the test this morning! I stood there in shock at first.. rubbed my eyes to make sure I was seeing it right.. then cried and laughed at the same time! J is out of town visiting his mom (because she has been in the hospital) so I immediately took a picture and emailed it to him. I then called him and told him to check his email ASAP. His first reaction was "are you serious???!" I wish I could have seen his face. :)
I know most women don't tell everyone right away but I just had to tell y'all! Y'all have prayed for me through this journey and I'm so thankful! Would you please continue to keep me in your prayers though? Pray that I will have a healthy and joyful pregnancy. I'm so excited and scared right now. I'm sure everyone feels this way during their first pregnancy though! :)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
On May 27 my husband received a certificate for Honorable Discharge..
He was a civilian for about 10 minutes,
I'm not going to lie.. I had mixed feelings about it..
but I was (and will always be) super proud of him!
Oh, and I received a certificate of appreciation from the US Navy
which was super cool! :)

Friday, June 4, 2010
{Click here to read 1-40}
41. I've always wanted to travel to Ireland, Israel, and Italy.
42. I'm afraid to fly on an airplane.
43. If I had been born a boy my mom would have named me after Patrick Swayze's character in "North and South," and my name would have been Orry. (Thank goodness I was a girl! haha)
44. J & I have already decided on our future babies names. I refuse to share what they are though because I'm worried someone might steal the names! haha
45. I scored a 100 on my written exam to get my driver's license, but I failed the driving test. I passed the second time I took it because the instructor only made me drive behind the building, down a dead-end road. I'm sure it didn't hurt that my mom knew her..
46. The only tests I ever cheated on in school were math. Iwas am horrible at math.
47. I love to go fishing but I hate to eat fish.
48. I believe a day at the beach is the best cure for stress!
49. I am NOT a morning person. J quickly learned this, and now he let's me sleep-in as late as I want. ha
50. I very rarely eat breakfast even if I'm up early.
51. I have a mild case of OCD.. I like for things to be clean and in their proper place.
52. I'm also a little OCD about my hands being clean. I use to wash my hands so much they would crack and bleed.
53. The first concert I ever went to was with my parents to see Reba. I think I was 8 or 9 years old.
54. The first concert I went to without my parents was to see Matchbox Twenty (when I was 14 years old) with my friend Alicia.
55. I was a bit of a tomboy when I was younger. I loved going to monster truck shows, hockey games, and wrestling matches! & I would climb trees in a dress!
56. My childhood nickname was Baby Girl.
57. I never went to any school homecomings or prom.
58. I don't like to dance around strangers.
59. I miss the old Nicke!oden cartoons/shows! (Secret world of Alex Mack, Doug, Rocko's Modern Life, Rugrats, and Salute Your Shorts were awesome!)
60. I can remember the days before CD players, DVD players, and cell phones... & it makes me feel old!!
41. I've always wanted to travel to Ireland, Israel, and Italy.
42. I'm afraid to fly on an airplane.
43. If I had been born a boy my mom would have named me after Patrick Swayze's character in "North and South," and my name would have been Orry. (Thank goodness I was a girl! haha)
44. J & I have already decided on our future babies names. I refuse to share what they are though because I'm worried someone might steal the names! haha
45. I scored a 100 on my written exam to get my driver's license, but I failed the driving test. I passed the second time I took it because the instructor only made me drive behind the building, down a dead-end road. I'm sure it didn't hurt that my mom knew her..
46. The only tests I ever cheated on in school were math. I
47. I love to go fishing but I hate to eat fish.
48. I believe a day at the beach is the best cure for stress!
49. I am NOT a morning person. J quickly learned this, and now he let's me sleep-in as late as I want. ha
50. I very rarely eat breakfast even if I'm up early.
51. I have a mild case of OCD.. I like for things to be clean and in their proper place.
52. I'm also a little OCD about my hands being clean. I use to wash my hands so much they would crack and bleed.
53. The first concert I ever went to was with my parents to see Reba. I think I was 8 or 9 years old.
54. The first concert I went to without my parents was to see Matchbox Twenty (when I was 14 years old) with my friend Alicia.
55. I was a bit of a tomboy when I was younger. I loved going to monster truck shows, hockey games, and wrestling matches! & I would climb trees in a dress!
56. My childhood nickname was Baby Girl.
57. I never went to any school homecomings or prom.
58. I don't like to dance around strangers.
59. I miss the old Nicke!oden cartoons/shows! (Secret world of Alex Mack, Doug, Rocko's Modern Life, Rugrats, and Salute Your Shorts were awesome!)
60. I can remember the days before CD players, DVD players, and cell phones... & it makes me feel old!!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Mr. Random (random.org) chose #5, which means the winner of the gift card to Chili's is Jennifer @ Crazy Shenanigans! Congrats Jennifer! Please email me your mailing info so I can send it out to you. :)
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
This morning I received a phone call from my new fertility doctor. (Dr. G, the doc I had last month, moved to England a few weeks ago.) He went over Dr. G's notes and asked me a few questions to get caught up on what's going on. He said all my lab tests came back good, but he seems to think I did not ovulate. :( After much discussion he said he could up my dose of the Clomid to 100mg.. but since we're PCSing in a few weeks we decided it would be best for me to skip this cycle and continue in July. The reason? Because I don't want to be traveling for a week while sick from any possible side effects. He said it would be fine and he completely understood because let's face it, no one likes to travel while they are sick. So, once we arrive in WA I will schedule an appointment with the women's health clinic and we will go from there.
"Faith is being sure of what we hope for
and certain of what we do not see."
-Hebrews 11:1
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