
Monday, May 31, 2010

That's right folks, I'm hosting my very first giveaway!!

I will be giving one lucky person a $25 gift card to Chili's! All you have to do is leave a comment and tell me what your favorite item from their menu is! Super easy right? :) This giveaway will end on Thursday, June 3rd at 12:00 PM (CST). I will use to choose the winner.

Good luck! :)

{I was not paid to do this.}

Memorial Day

Today we honor the men & women in uniform who made the ultimate sacrifice + those that are currently serving to protect our nation’s freedom. "Thank you" never seems to be enough..

Let us never forget that we are the LAND OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Last Monday I started taking the Clomid. I only had to take it for five days, and I (thankfully) didn't have many side effects. I mostly just had mild cramps, mood swings, and headaches. I have to use an ovulation kit every day now to see if I've had a LH surge. So far nothing.. but I'm still hanging on to hope!

This past weekend my mom moved out of our house. (She lived with me while J was away and a little bit before he deployed due to health concerns.) I thought I would be alright with it but I cried like a baby on the ride home. I want to blame it on the fact that my hormones were nuts from the Clomid but deep down I know that's not why. It's just another lesson from God that I need to completely trust Him..

Oh! and I got a hair cut last week. J loves it but I'm still not sure if I like it or not. What do y'all think?


Saturday, May 8, 2010


& I hope your wish comes true! :)

Bad Blogger

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sorry for my lack of posts lately!! I've been clinging to J since he returned home so I haven't spent much time online. I hope y'all can understand! I was thinking a giveaway would be a fun way to make up for it... what do y'all think?? :) I'm planning to host my very first giveaway next week to suck up for not blogging lately to celebrate hitting 100 followers (yay!!) & to show how much I appreciate all your awesome comments/support! I can't wait to share it with you!

Things have been great since homecoming in case you were wondering. :) We usually go to the beach every day and have picnics.. it's nice and very relaxing. I think we will have to find a new place to be bums at though, because it's starting to get too hot.. and I'm sure y'all have already heard about the horrible oil spill.. :( 

Our big move is planned for next month. We're trying not to stress too much about it, but we really hate moving (who doesn't though?).. and this is our first big move.. across the country.. oh, and did I mention we have to drive? Blah. Honestly I think I'm more sad than stressed at this point. I don't want to leave my family.. my hometown.. everything I've ever known. Any mil wives have advice/tips for me on how to get over this quickly once we arrive in WA? I'm so worried I'm going to be depressed for three years because I will miss home so much!

On a happier note, I start taking Clomid in a week or two! *crosses fingers* We've already been discussing possible baby names.. :)

Doesn't Get Better Than This

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