On Tuesday Joel had his last appointment at Seattle Children's Hospital. We are moving in April (yes, soon!!) so his next appointments will all be in Ohio. All of his doctors have said the hospital in Ohio is awesome, and that just confirms to me that we are making the right decision. The Ohio hospital has a small TS clinic which is a huge plus!
Things are slowly falling into place which is very exciting! Jeremy had a few phone interviews but only one company has called back to schedule a second one, and they also want to schedule a face-to-face interview in our area. According to the hiring manager he can't formally offer Jeremy the job yet but he is definitely the top choice for the position. So we're praying, crossing our fingers and toes, and hoping that no one else will come along and snag it up!
Anyway -
Before Joel's neurology appointment (which went great by the way, only had to increase his medicine because he has had a couple staring spells again) we went to the Space Needle for the first time. When we arrived at the Needle the lovely fog rolled in.. huge bummer. Well, bummer for Jeremy.. not so much for me. I was excited about the fog at first because I thought Jer would change his mind and I wouldn't have to go up! (Fear of heights anyone??) But.. he didn't. So up we went! The fog was thick and we couldn't see a thing but it actually helped calm my fears. Since it was early during the week we were the only ones there and Joel had a blast running around. Right before we had to leave the fog went away and we were able to get a couple pictures to document our adventure!
After our appointment at SCH we headed over to Post Alley, under Pike Place Market. It was time for me to face another fear.. GERMS! (Y'all think I'm kidding huh? HAHA!) We put gum on the famous gum wall. It was super gross but also very cool!

I love the market! I wish I could go there once a week.
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Headed home on the ferry |
I can't believe I ever hated living in this state!! {I think part of the reason why I hated it so much was because I was not feeling well. I was suffering from depression during that time.} Over the past year I have definitely grown to love it and I'm super sad that we have to move away! Jeremy and I have talked about taking trips back here when Joel gets older so we can show him where he was born and spent the first two years of his life. We will always consider Joel our little Washingtonian no matter where we live! :)
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