We took Joel to the same pumpkin patch we went to last year. He had a blast! I wish we could settle down in this area just so we can go to that farm every year.. It would be a fun family tradition! {It's fun to look back at last year's pictures and see how much he has changed! click here to see our 2011 pumpkin patch pics}

Halloween was cold and rainy so we went trick-or-treating at the mall. This was Joel's first year to go trick-or-treating, and I really wished we could have taken him around the neighborhood... but I think he had a good time, even though he had to stand in long lines for one piece of candy. His face would light up when he would show us all the goodies he had in his pumpkin. It was too cute! :-) Oh, and he totally chose the Iron Man costume. I wanted him to be a puppy but he picked Iron Man. Figures right? haha He was SO excited when we first put the costume on him.. He did circles in front of the mirror and kept smiling.. it was priceless!