On Vacation

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

We have been in the South enjoying time with family!
I have tons to post about but the Internet I'm using is slow so it will have to wait.
Hopefully this cute picture of our Wee-Bee will hold ya over til then! ;) 

Two Months Old!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Joel turned two months old last week! He now weighs 13lbs 4oz, and is almost 25 inches long! He is turning into a little chunky monkey! hehe ;)

He is ALWAYS smiling and "talking" to us. He especially loves cooing at his daddy. It's the sweetest thing ever! (I have a video of him "talking," I just have to figure out to how post it!)
He is getting better at holding his head up during tummy time. And sometimes it looks like he is trying VERY hard to roll over or move himself forward while on his tummy.
He recently discovered his hands/fingers. He always has one in his mouth now. One night I woke up and he had both hands in his mouth.. one on top of the other.. it was too funny!
See those keys he is holding? That's one of his favorite toys. His other favorite is a rattle. He gets so excited when he is holding them -- he moves his arms up and down (against his sides) super fast!

Oh, and this is his favorite way to fall asleep.. :)

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

As usual I'm linking up with Jamie today for..

I'm loving that our baby boy has been sleeping 7-8 hours every night this week! The extra sleep has been wonderful!! I'm starting to feel (and look) less like a zombie! haha

I'm loving this wristlet..

I'm loving these cute posters..

Sea Urchin Studio prints

I'm loving that stores are selling my favorite Easter candy!

"Me" Time

Monday, April 11, 2011

Friday afternoon I had some much needed "me" time. I went to the hair salon and left Joel at home with J for the first time. I was nervous Joel would cry the whole time I was gone but thankfully he did great. I fed him before I left so he slept the whole time and didn't even know I was gone. I was greeted at the door with big smiles when I got home which was the sweetest thing ever ;) but --

I still felt guilty for leaving him. In fact, all week I went back & forth on whether I was going to go to the appointment. I knew a break would be good for me, but I just had this overwhelming guilt. (I guess that's normal for new mom's? I don't know.) In the end I really appreciated the break. It was nice to get out of the house, to drive the car and listen to whatever I wanted as loud as I wanted, and have girl mom talk with someone face to face instead of over the phone or FB chat.

I now think it should be mandatory for mommas to have a break every now & then! It doesn't have to be anything spectacular.. an hour at the salon for a hair cut, a pedicure, or a quick trip to Tarjay alone would be great. Heck, I would even be happy with just an uninterrupted shower or bubble bath so I could wash my hair and shave my legs!  :)

Getting To Know You

Sunday, April 10, 2011

I'm linking up at MannLand5
for Getting To Know You Sunday!

1. Do you watch/read the news? Occasionally I will watch it if there is nothing else on TV, but I usually just read it online.
2. How would you describe your "look"? These days it's whatever is comfy, quick, and fits!
3. Did you play sports in high school or college? No
4. Would you rather give up lipstick/gloss or high heels? High heels
5. What's your favorite show to watch on tv? Grey's Anatomy
6. Would you rather bake or cook? I love to bake. (J usually does all the cooking.)
7. Shorts or skirts? Lately I've been diggin' skirts.

8. What's your favorite scary movie? NA - I don't watch scary movies.

Deep Thinking

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Recently in my hometown three beautiful young ladies passed away. They were all killed in [separate] car accidents. Two were killed by drunk drivers. All three of their deaths have affected me in different ways. One in particular has really made me stop and think about how I'm living my life..
Her name was Deanna. Everyone that knew her would tell you that she was a beautiful person inside and out. She always had something nice to say to brighten your whole day. Just being around her would make your whole day brighter though because she was always smiling.

{On the day of Deanna's funeral it was very clear that she touched many lives. Traffic was backed up near the funeral home because so many people showed up. At one point police had to turn people away because they ran out of parking spots.}

When I heard all the things people had to say about her it really made me think.. what would people say about me?

If I were to die tomorrow.. or even in the next hour.. how would I be remembered? Would I be remembered as the girl that was always smiling and could brighten everyone's day, or as the Negative Nancy that no one wanted to be around? And as a Christian it makes me wonder if I've lived my life in a way that points to Christ? Did I love the way He loves?

It also makes me question whether I've been "living life to the fullest." Off the top of my head my answer would be no, I haven't. I've been sitting back for years, letting fear keep me from living life and experiencing new things. I want to change all that. Especially for my son. I don't want fear to keep me from creating new and exciting memories with/for him.

* So how about you... What would people say about you? And do you think you have been living life to the fullest?

Rock, Paper, Scissors.. Poop?

Saturday, April 2, 2011

This afternoon J and I were faced with a big dilemma. We both needed to "go potty" (as I usually call it in our house) really bad, and Joel needed his diaper changed because he went potty really bad. So.. we did what any new parents would do.. we played "Rock, Paper, Scissors!" The loser had to change the diaper and try not to go potty in their pants, and the winner.. well.. the winner was able to run up stairs and "go potty" of course! :)

(I won in case you were wondering... Oh, and sorry if this was TMI by the way! haha)
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