Only The Strong Survive

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Amber @ Goodnight Moon wrote a blog post today that made me feel super awesome and I couldn't wait to share it will y'all! She basically reminded me that I survived something not many women can--a deployment--and for that reason I should consider myself Superwoman! ;)

When I was going through deployments I never felt strong.. I honestly just felt numb. My goal was to wake up and make it through the day, go to sleep, and then repeat. & I will be the first to admit that I had weak moments (during all three deployments I've been through with my husband) where I thought "God why did You choose ME to be military wife?? I'm obviously not strong enough for this -- if I were strong I wouldn't be sitting here bawling my eyes out!" The stress was just too much for me to handle sometimes, and I always felt like I was on the verge of a breakdown. Looking back now I realize that it was those moments where I thought I couldn't make it through that made me the strongest.. because even though I was a huge mess of emotions that cried most days, I survived. I conquered what I thought in my mind was impossible.

Sometimes J and I wonder how our relationship would would be different if he never had to leave.. and as much as we both hate deployments with a passion, we both know going through those horrible beasts (as I like to call them) helped make us + our relationship stronger. We are now able to communicate much better than most couples and we learned to never take our time together for granted.

* So if you are currently going through a deployment, hang in there! Because soon you will look back on this horrible beast (aka, deployment) and you will laugh & realize you were so much stronger than you ever thought possible! *

P.S. ~ Make sure you head over to Amber's blog to grab a Deployment Survivor button (like the one you see to the left, under my profile) for your blog, and be sure to share a post about how awesome you are for being a deployment survivor! ;)

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