- Graduate from college
- Be debt free
- Go on our honeymoon that keeps getting postponed
- Buy a house
- Write a children's book
- Swim with dolphins
- Become an early riser
- Learn sign language
- Give Christmas to a family who is less fortunate
- Buy groceries for a family " " " "
- Volunteer at a women's shelter
- Share my testimony to young girls and women
- Take horseback riding lessons
- Try archery
- Go ice skating on an outdoor ice arena
- Go on a Marriage Enrichment Retreat
- Go on a carriage ride
- Learn how to sew
- Take a pottery class
- Learn how to play the piano
- Cook a Thanksgiving dinner
- Renew our vows
My Bucket List
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
You know that "love thy neighbor" thing? Well our neighbors make that very difficult for us....
Somehow we always get super lucky and move next to people that never clean up after their dogs. I could care less what they let their dogs do in their yard, but it really starts to annoy me when they let their dogs take huge dumps in our yard and don't clean it up. It's disgusting and rude.. especially when they let one of their dogs go #2 right by our patio door, and my husband steps in it because they were too lazy to pick it up!
When we first moved in here we were told that everyone has to pick up after their pets, pets are not allowed to be outside without a leash, and there is a limit of 2 animals per household. Well those rules apparently don't apply to our neighbors! Besides never picking up after their dogs, we never see them take their THREE dogs outside on leashes. The wife usually just stands on their patio and screams at the dogs to come back. My morning wake up call is usually her screaming at 8 AM.
We've already called the housing office on them once but it obviously didn't help. It's really frustrating because we went through something similar at our old house (on the Gulf Coast). Our neighbors would let their dogs poop all over our front yard, sometimes in the flower beds right next to the front door, and they would never clean it up. I think I called housing 10 times on those people but it never helped. A few months before we moved I reached my boiling point so I decided to clean up all the poop out of our front yard and put it in a big pile in their yard. I made sure I sprayed it down with the water hose to make a big mess. J couldn't believe I did it.. but I did. I was over it, and I figured I was being nice by only putting it back in their yard because what I really wanted to do was put it on their front door step. =X
Hopefully it won't get to that point here but grrrrrrr... It makes us look bad, like we don't clean up after our dog!
Somehow we always get super lucky and move next to people that never clean up after their dogs. I could care less what they let their dogs do in their yard, but it really starts to annoy me when they let their dogs take huge dumps in our yard and don't clean it up. It's disgusting and rude.. especially when they let one of their dogs go #2 right by our patio door, and my husband steps in it because they were too lazy to pick it up!
When we first moved in here we were told that everyone has to pick up after their pets, pets are not allowed to be outside without a leash, and there is a limit of 2 animals per household. Well those rules apparently don't apply to our neighbors! Besides never picking up after their dogs, we never see them take their THREE dogs outside on leashes. The wife usually just stands on their patio and screams at the dogs to come back. My morning wake up call is usually her screaming at 8 AM.
We've already called the housing office on them once but it obviously didn't help. It's really frustrating because we went through something similar at our old house (on the Gulf Coast). Our neighbors would let their dogs poop all over our front yard, sometimes in the flower beds right next to the front door, and they would never clean it up. I think I called housing 10 times on those people but it never helped. A few months before we moved I reached my boiling point so I decided to clean up all the poop out of our front yard and put it in a big pile in their yard. I made sure I sprayed it down with the water hose to make a big mess. J couldn't believe I did it.. but I did. I was over it, and I figured I was being nice by only putting it back in their yard because what I really wanted to do was put it on their front door step. =X
Hopefully it won't get to that point here but grrrrrrr... It makes us look bad, like we don't clean up after our dog!
Friday, August 27, 2010
My birthday is next Friday so I thought it would be fun to make a wish list!
Kate Spade handbag
Willow Tree figurine
Tri-fold card holder / keyfob from Cassy Lain Totes
Anthropologie's Sweetest Hive Earrings
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Last week J spent alot of time in another town working on a project at the gravesite of Marvin G. Shields--the first & only Seabee to receive the Medal of Honor, and the first U.S. Navy Sailor to receive the Medal of Honor for action in Vietnam. Needless to say, it was a huugggge honor for J!
On Wednesday while J was working at the site he had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Shields's widow. The first thing she did was shake J's hand and give him a very special Marvin Shields coin that not many people have! She talked to him for a bit, asking him questions and telling him a few things about Mr. Shields.
He called me during his lunch break and told me all about it because he was so excited. Then a few hours later he called me again and told me she came back with a gift bag for us.. and inside the gift bag was a baby blanket! Of course me being the proper Southern Belle that I am, the first thing that came out of my mouth was "awwwwww, I HAVE to send her a 'thank you' card!!" :)
We felt SO honored! To us she is like the First Lady of the Seabees!
I really hope I will have the opportunity to meet her in the future.. I could think of a million questions to ask her!
On Wednesday while J was working at the site he had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Shields's widow. The first thing she did was shake J's hand and give him a very special Marvin Shields coin that not many people have! She talked to him for a bit, asking him questions and telling him a few things about Mr. Shields.
He called me during his lunch break and told me all about it because he was so excited. Then a few hours later he called me again and told me she came back with a gift bag for us.. and inside the gift bag was a baby blanket! Of course me being the proper Southern Belle that I am, the first thing that came out of my mouth was "awwwwww, I HAVE to send her a 'thank you' card!!" :)
We felt SO honored! To us she is like the First Lady of the Seabees!
I really hope I will have the opportunity to meet her in the future.. I could think of a million questions to ask her!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Back home on the Gulf Coast heat waves were an every day thing so everyone & their mama had ice cold A/C in their homes. It was never really considered a luxury - it's more like a necessity because without it you could die. (& no, I'm not exaggerating.)
Here in the wonderful state of WA no one uses A/C. I'm not going to lie, it's been difficult for me to get use to. Call me spoiled or whatever you want but I want to know how these people can stand being in a hot house all day? Especially on days like today when we're under a heat advisory!
All I know is I'm sooooooo ready for Fall!! &These pictures only make me crave it more!
[pictures via]
Monday, August 9, 2010
I am old.
Last night I was texting a friend and towards the end of one of her texts she included "XP." I ignored it at first, thinking maybe she just had a typo.. then she used "XD". At that point I felt completely clueless so I read the texts to J and asked him if it was a code or an abbreviation for something, but he couldn't figure it out either.
Earlier today I was on Faceb0ok and read a status from the same friend that I was texting last night.. and once again she used "XP." So I did what anyone would do.. I googled it. My search brought me to the site Urban Dictionary, and I soon learned that XP and XD are emoticons. Apparently XD is the hip new thing to use instead of "LOL." It means laughing with your eyes shut. & XP means tongue out, eyes shut.
Honestly I have never felt so old. I mean, whatever happened to the basic smileys that everyone used when the Internet and texting first became popular?? (Ok... the fact that I even remember the days before Internet and texting really makes me feel SUPER old....!!)
Last night I was texting a friend and towards the end of one of her texts she included "XP." I ignored it at first, thinking maybe she just had a typo.. then she used "XD". At that point I felt completely clueless so I read the texts to J and asked him if it was a code or an abbreviation for something, but he couldn't figure it out either.
Earlier today I was on Faceb0ok and read a status from the same friend that I was texting last night.. and once again she used "XP." So I did what anyone would do.. I googled it. My search brought me to the site Urban Dictionary, and I soon learned that XP and XD are emoticons. Apparently XD is the hip new thing to use instead of "LOL." It means laughing with your eyes shut. & XP means tongue out, eyes shut.
Honestly I have never felt so old. I mean, whatever happened to the basic smileys that everyone used when the Internet and texting first became popular?? (Ok... the fact that I even remember the days before Internet and texting really makes me feel SUPER old....!!)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
During the first few weeks of this pregnancy I could barely eat and didn't have much of an appetite. When I did manage to eat it was most likely because I forced myself to. Eating something as simple as a piece of toast was difficult and torture for me. Well honey, let me tell you.. things have changed! I now feel hungry ALL THE TIME. I eat and then 10 or 20 minutes later I feel hungry like I'm starving. I try the six small meals a day thing but sometimes it doesn't really help.. my stomach still feels empty like I haven't had anything to eat all day.
Anyone have any tips or tricks to help me tame this crazy hunger??
P.S. ~ Thank you for all the kind and thoughtful words on my last post. I wanted to respond to each one and say thank you but I haven't figured out how to reply by email yet. (Can someone help me with that?)
Anyone have any tips or tricks to help me tame this crazy hunger??
P.S. ~ Thank you for all the kind and thoughtful words on my last post. I wanted to respond to each one and say thank you but I haven't figured out how to reply by email yet. (Can someone help me with that?)
Monday, August 2, 2010
My heart is heavy today...
My incredible and beautiful great grandmother passed away..
The last time I saw her was on January 12, 2008.. my wedding day. It was a huge blessing to have her there that day because we weren't really sure she would feel well enough to go. I'm not sure she even knew who I was because around that time she had started forgetting things. Apparently she talked about the wedding every once in a while during the months that followed though, so I like to think she was remembering me. One thing is for sure... I will definitely always remember her..
My incredible and beautiful great grandmother passed away..
The last time I saw her was on January 12, 2008.. my wedding day. It was a huge blessing to have her there that day because we weren't really sure she would feel well enough to go. I'm not sure she even knew who I was because around that time she had started forgetting things. Apparently she talked about the wedding every once in a while during the months that followed though, so I like to think she was remembering me. One thing is for sure... I will definitely always remember her..
Sunday, August 1, 2010
1. If you were to win an award today, what would it be for?
Most unglamorous pregnant housewife of 2010. :)
2. What is your shoe style?
Anything comfortable and simple.

3 Does your car reflect your personality?
Not at all.
4. If you could take over someones body for a day..whose would you choose?
Hmm.. this is a tough one! If we're being vain then I guess someone with a super nice body and lots of $$$.
5. Love or be loved?
6. If you were on death row, what last meal would you choose?
Steak, baked potato, veggies, and ice cream for desert.
7. Have you been on vacation this Summer, if so where?
Nope. =\
8. What is your favorite food related guilty pleasure?
Ice cream!!
Most unglamorous pregnant housewife of 2010. :)
2. What is your shoe style?
Anything comfortable and simple.

3 Does your car reflect your personality?
Not at all.
4. If you could take over someones body for a day..whose would you choose?
Hmm.. this is a tough one! If we're being vain then I guess someone with a super nice body and lots of $$$.
5. Love or be loved?
6. If you were on death row, what last meal would you choose?
Steak, baked potato, veggies, and ice cream for desert.
7. Have you been on vacation this Summer, if so where?
Nope. =\
8. What is your favorite food related guilty pleasure?
Ice cream!!
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