This & That = Random

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

  • On Monday morning I found out that my great grandmother is not doing too well. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping my dad will take me to see her this weekend. (She lives a few hours away.) I'm a little torn about it though.. I want to see her but at the same time I don't want to see her that way.. you know what I mean? +She doesn't remember much these days, and I'm worried she wouldn't know who I was. I haven't seen her in two years (since my wedding) and even then I'm not really sure she knew who I was.. although they say she still talks about my wedding sometimes. J told me I should try to see her, but.. I just don't know..
  • Monday night I attended an FRG meeting. I almost talked myself out of going because of the stupid drama, but I went and held my head up high. In the end I'm glad I went. I signed up to help with the homecoming committee.. I figure it will give me something to do and it might be an easy way to find out the homecoming dates. Then again they probably won't tell me since I'm just a nobody and they like to keep everything "top secret," but it's worth a shot right? [Oh, and just for the record--I will not discuss homecoming dates or times on this blog. Sorry to disappoint you, but it's for safety reasons.]
  • Have you heard about the new movie Dear John? I saw the trailer on TV a few weeks ago and immediately marked my calendar for the date it will be in theaters.. &When I realized it was based on a Nicholas Sparks book I rushed to a store and bought it. I read it in two days! It was that good! I'm so excited to see the movie now!
  • The Seabee Ball is coming up and a few wives were talking about getting a group together and going. I think it would be fun to get dressed up but I'm worried I will feel awkward/emotional being there without J. Mil wives - would you go to a ball while your husband is deployed?
  • Yesterday I decided to try a self-tanning lotion.. I was super nervous about it but it actually turned out alright. I'm kicking myself now for not taking a before & after picture! I used it again tonight, but this time I put it on my face (I avoided using it on my face yesterday since I wasn't sure how it would turn out) and I'm crossing my fingers that I won't have splotchy face later. If I do.. well.. I guess I won't be leaving the house until it fades! haha
  • I'm lovin' the new show Life Unexpected! Have you seen it? If not, you should!

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