Half my family and all of my friends are Saints fans.. in fact, most of the people in our area are huge Saints fans and if you ever go out on a game day you will see EVERYONE (even babies and little old ladies) wearing black & gold to support their boys. When they lose a game it's best to not mention it.. but when they win a game, oh my goodness, they celebrate for days!

Half my family and all of my friends are Saints fans.. in fact, most of the people in our area are huge Saints fans and if you ever go out on a game day you will see EVERYONE (even babies and little old ladies) wearing black & gold to support their boys. When they lose a game it's best to not mention it.. but when they win a game, oh my goodness, they celebrate for days!
Tonight the Saints beat the Vikings which means they will be heading to the Super Bowl for the very first time EVER!! My dad called me from Bourbon Street and I could barely hear him because people were cheering so loud. He said as soon as the Saints won the game, people ran into the street and were going crazy--crazier than they would act during Mardi Gras! I can't imagine how everyone will act if when they actually win the SB!! (I was told that I'm not allowed to use the word "if" if that last sentence! haha)
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