So anyway, this is how my day went:
- I woke up to a phone call from my husband. That alone is enough to make my whole day! ;)
- After lunch I took advantage of the gift certificate I received for Christmas and I had an amazing massage! It was the first time in 5 months that I've been able to relax. I'm now convinced there should be a law or something that says every military spouse gets 1 free massage per month of deployment! hehe
- A few hours later I met up at a local beauty college with my lovely new friend Melisa. (Melisa and I met at the FRG's Over The Hump party back in November.) Our housing community hosted a ladies night at the beauty college so all the spouses could get pampered for free, and Melisa asked me to go with her. I was able to get a manicure which was nice.. and Melisa "got her hair did." ha
- After the manicure I headed to LifeWay. I had a $10 gift card that I won during the Wives of Faith 12 Days of Christmas Blog Carnival and it was burning a hole in my wallet, so I decided to buy a new book. I found two that I was interested in (Every Woman's Battle and Hope for the Home Front).. and at first I couldn't decide which one to get.. I put my first choice (Every Woman's Battle) down and decided to wait to get it. But as I walked around the store I couldn't stop thinking about it so I went back and got it. (I'll let you know how it turns out.)
- On the way home I stopped at Sonic and got a yummy Reece's Sonic Blast. I figured ice cream was the best way to end a good day since I don't drink alcohol. ;)
& There you have it folks.. that is how I spent my 2nd anniversary. I'm thankful that I was able to enjoy my day even though J is away, but I have to admit.. there were moments when I did feel selfish about it. I hope I'm not the only spouse that goes through that.. you do something nice for yourself [once in a blue moon] during a deployment and then feel guilty because your husband is in a war zone and the highlight of his day is probably if the porta potty is clean and has toilet paper. (Well, I know that would be MY only highlight if I were over there. ha)
P.S. Thanks for the anniversary wishes!
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