Wednesday, December 2, 2009

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times,
always with the same person” -Mignon McLaughlin

Have I mentioned lately how wonderful and romantic my husband is? No?? Well, he is!! My husband sent me a box of chocolate covered strawberries today.. On the card he wrote "I just thought you would like something as sweet as you are!" ;)

It came at a perfect time too, which completely amazed me! You see, the heat stopped working last night around 7 PM.. this is the third time I've had a problem with the heater. This is a new house so you would think we wouldn't have any problems this soon. & of course last night it just happened to be freezing, and there was also a problem with the housing's answering service so I couldn't get in touch with anyone to fix it. I seriously called for almost two hours, and when I realized I wasn't going to get through I decided to call a few family members. It was basically a waste of time. (If deployment has taught me anything it's that I can't depend on anyone for help--not even family.) I've never felt so alone in my life! It was horrible. I went to bed in crappy mood and woke up feeling even worse. Those yummmmmy strawberries made my whole day much better!! ..even if I was freezing too death while eating them! Ha!

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